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Clean your room to clear your head.
What you do you become.
That is a very old saying, dating back to the roots of taoism.
The human mind is a feedback system, everything gets amplified until infinity, same way when you point a tv-connected camera at the TV. The feedback loop creates kind of a psychedelic imagery. The same happens with the mind — every thought and action spreads this way, further fueling each other, like a snake eating it’s tail.
Everything you do and think is interconnected. Your neural structures change to adapt to what you are currently experiencing. Basic example is the muscle growth and the muscle memory — you neural networks change in a way it is easier to use the muscles you use the most. The cells in your muscles are subjected to hypertrophy when stressed and damaged (anti-fragility basically).
In the same way, when you want to “clean your head” — some people just start washing dishes, cleaning the house or go for a run, a swim or meditation and let the thoughts flow. Your mind then adapts on what the task at hand is, changing the neural structure to adjust for the activity.
More complex example of the mind adaptation is drug addiction. Your dopaminergic system adapts in proportion to the amount of active compounds of the drug used — “you build up tolerance”. It happens with everything —…